Editor’s note 11/21/2016: Due to a sudden family commitment, Shawn Hesketh will unfortunately not be able to join the show today. We are working to reschedule the show and will provide details soon here on the blog and on Twitter. Thanks for watching and supporting Finely Tuned Expert. We’ll be back with an episode featuring Shawn Hesketh soon!
At WP Engine, we’re passionate about helping our customers learn and grow. In keeping with that ethos, we proudly present “Finely Tuned Expert,” a series of interviews with some of the brightest talents in tech, marketing, and (naturally) WordPress.
For this episode, WP 101’s Shawn Hesketh joins us to talk about his continuing efforts to train fledgling WordPress developers with a whole host of video tutorials and blog posts. We’ll also talk about the importance of communicating effectively with clients about how WordPress works and its benefits.
The show goes down on Monday, November 21 at 1:00 p.m. Central time. Catch it right here on the WP Engine blog or head on over to our YouTube channel and watch it there!
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