In case you haven’t noticed, WP Engineers love being a part of this company. We like to have a blast while we’re delivering amazing experiences to our customers, and this extends to all areas of our lives. Even to our pets.
There have been some epic email chains at WP Engine where we compete for the cutest pictures of our pets. The email threads turn into a game of “cutest one-upsmanship,” but everyone wins. We realized that we couldn’t keep this to ourselves anymore. It was time for the pets of WP Engine to make their public debut. We’ll start featuring new pets of WP Engine on Wednesdays every week.
The first Pet of WP Engine is Lucy the Boston Terrier, the pet of Account Manager, Michael Newman.
Lucy’s favorite pastime is dressing up like a skeleton to scare away hackers.
You can find her shopping with Newman for new chew toys, and running through the dog park with all her awesome doggie friends. Her favorite food is everything that falls on the floor, and she’s been known to chew through a good leather shoe now and then.
Newman and Lucy are best buds, separated only when Newman is at work “account managing” or some such thing. As long as he gets home in time to take Lucy outside and to fill her bowl up, and take her for nice walks, he can do whatever he wants all day. But really, Lucy wishes she could hang out with him all day.
She’s pretty great that way.
Keith Davis says
“The Pets of WP Engine!”
Great idea guys but I’m a cat man.
I’ve got three at the moment and none of them are running on WordPress.
Regards to Lucy.
Brendan C says
This is so great.. we have a Boston Terrier mascot as well! I guess our company’s are forever linked.
Dare says
So, that’s the pet that’s watching the customers back on WPEngine!! Fantastic and humorous to know that.
It’s high time I move over to your site Austin, most especially after reading the latest review and migration guideline from Reginald chan blog.
Yassin says
Yes it’s a quite a good idea, companies blogs are generally boring.