2016 was a big year for WP Engine. We grew to more than 400 employees, opened up an office in Limerick, Ireland, and even launched our second online magazine, Velocitize. As we reflect back upon the year, we’d like to share some of our successes as we continue to grow our business and platform to better meet the needs of powering your online business.
But first, we’d like to give special thanks to our customers who have continued to invest in our services — without you, we would not be where we are today!
With that said, take a look below for some highlights from WP Engine in 2016…
Of all the websites on our platform, we served up 2.8 billion pageviews daily. That’s a little more views than the world’s most popular YouTube video ever, “Gangnam Style” has ever received (2,738,347,379 views).
Here at WP Engine, our platform contains real-time security threat detection. From January to November of 2016 our platform blocked 1.6 billion attacks. That’s equivalent to the number of active mobile social accounts that exist globally.
This year we grew to 429 employees — if you stacked each of us vertically, we’d reach as tall as the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building located in Dubai.
We have more than 60,000 customers using our services. That’s enough to fill up the Colosseum in Rome (the largest amphitheater ever built).
We resolved as many as 528,629 tickets in 2016, which is more than twice the amount of tickets that sell out for both weekends of the Coachella music festival.
Our global presence is worldwide. We have customers on just about every continent (with the exception of Antarctica) with a total of 140 countries where our services are extended.
Here at WP Engine, we deploy 100 to 200 code changes every week, safely, at scale. That’s equivalent to the number of times Beyoncé changed wardrobe during her 40-city Formation World Tour.
This year we made Let’s Encrypt certificates available to our 60,000-plus customers, saving a total of $725,000 for our customers in SSL. That amount of money would allow you to purchase a Starbucks cup of coffee every day for 978 years.
While WordPress powers over 27 percent of the web, a nice lot of those sites host with WP Engine. In fact, more than 500,000 domains are hosted on our platform. If each domain was a stone, you’d have enough stones to build the Great Pyramid of Giza.
We transfer four petabytes of data every month. If you think about the scope of a petabyte, one is enough to store the DNA of the entire population of the US…and then clone them twice!
For more highlights from WP Engine in 2016, check out these blogs:
15 useful WordPress resources we published last year
Our top advancements of 2016 to help move customers ahead online
It amazes me how little people consider hosting when setting up a online business. When I chat to clients, they are only concerned visually how a site looks, which is fine. But for most businesses they need to be found on Google for the site to work. Because of plugins like Yoast, most clients are unaware of the actual things needed for a site to rank well, and site speed in one of them. Sure you can use something like P3 to look at bottlenecks, but without solid hosting its never going to make that much difference. Having a host which is set up to maximise your WordPress load speed should be number one on your list of requirements.
Fantastic way of presenting the data by using real life examples.
Great job. Wish you even better 2017!