This article explains what function Redirect Bots fills and how this setting affects your site in regards to robots…
How to use SFTP to access your blog’s theme, uploads and…
How to use SFTP to access your WordPress site's plugins, themes, content, and other files on the WP Engine platform.…
Do I Need a Dedicated IP Address?
We debunk the myth of the dedicated IP address and address other concerns as to why you may think you need one.…
Common Regex used for Redirect Rules and SSL
This article will walk you through understanding how regex patterns work. Regex is a very important syntax for…
Verifying Your User Portal Account When Contacting Support…
Learn how to verify your WP Engine account ownership using your Support PIN, found in your User Portal. Learn where…
WP Engine Changes to CDN Pricing and Invoices
Overview of how WP Engine prices CDN for Premium and Enterprise customers.…
Options tables disappearing? Why our platform doesn’t…
This article explains what the _options table is, why we limit its size and how this could affect your website.…
How to add and delete WordPress installs within your account…
Learn how to add and delete WordPress installs on your WP Engine Personal, Professional, or Business plan, using…
Configuring LargeFS to Store and Transfer Unlimited Data…
This article details how to set up and configure LargeFS, which is designed to store large amounts of media and…
Why Are WordPress Revisions Disabled?
Explanation as to why Revisions are disabled and how could affect your site.…
Determining If You Are On A WP Engine Environment
This article describes the is_wpe() function, which developers can use to perform code actions depending on location…
How They Work: WordPress Cookies and PHP Sessions
Find out what cookies and PHP sessions are, plus how they work with page caching and what the implications are…