Many clients have inquired as to making changes to the server configuration (php.ini). The server has already been configured with WP Engine standard settings for PHP, which include PHP functions and modules.
Our system administrators have already pre-configured these settings on each server to best suit the needs of the majority of our clients.
Disabled Functions
Please Note: These settings are used across our entire platform and as a result, these cannot be adjusted on an individual basis.
In the interest of our managed hosting environment, some of these settings have intentionally been locked down and can not be changed. Here are some functions that have been disabled and therefore are not able to be altered:
- apache_child_terminate
- apache_get_modules
- apache_get_version
- apache_getenv
- apache_note
- apache_setenv
- disk_free_space
- disk_total_space
- diskfreespace
- dl
- exec
- flock()
- passthru
- pclose
- pcntl_exec
- popen
- posix_getpwuid
- posix_kill
- posix_mkfifo
- posix_setpgid
- posix_setsid
- posix_setuid
- posix_uname
- proc_close
- proc_get_status
- proc_nice
- proc_open
- proc_terminate
- shell_exec
- show_source
- system
- opcache_get_configuration
- opcache_get_status
- auto_prepend_file