Backups on WP Engine
Our backup functionality allows you to restore older versions of your site in the event of data loss or improper content. These backups, which run automatically each night and can also be manually initiated through the User Portal, contain all of the WordPress core files, your themes and plugins, and database.
Backup Exclusions
The backups also contain the majority of your uploads, though some are excluded. Here are our specific exclusions:
.*~ (These are typically drafts of files edited with a command line text editor) .*/_wpeprivate (This directory is typically used for short term file storage) .*.(svn|cvs|git|log|tmp|listing|cache|bak|swp) .*/log.txt .*/cache .*/imagecache.* .*/ics-importer-cache .*/gt-cache .*/wp-content/w3tc.* .*/wp-content/w3-.* .*/wp-config-sample.php .*/wp-content/plugins/wpengine-snapshot/snapshots .*/wp-content/uploads/snapshots .*/wp-content/backups .*/wp-content/managewp .*/wp-content/upgrade .*/pclzip-.*
Partial Backups
As a WP Engine user you also have the option to backup only specific portions of your website. This can be useful for users with especially large sites, to only backup or restore specific areas of their website. If you are restoring a partial backup, only the items you selected when backing up will be restored.